Pros and Cons of Moving in Spring in Greenville, SC

April 18, 2023

Swamp Rabbit Moving Greenville

Whether you’re a fan of the chillier weather or you’re excited about soaring temperatures, the blooming of a new season is already upon us! The flowers and critters are emerging, and despite the incoming attack of pollen, spring can be a great time to move.

Moving isn’t the only exciting thing about a spring move. With the longer hours of sunlight, many people are more motivated to get more done. Some see spring as a fresh start or just a time to tidy the house and finish the chores.

Although spring is a great time to move, that doesn’t mean it comes without challenges. Here are some tips to make your move a little easier:

  • Do some spring cleaning. Many people tackle their house chores in the spring during “spring cleaning.” While it’s not always a particularly fun activity, you’ll feel proud about your house and all the work you’ve done.
  • Early planning is critical. A move (no matter if it’s local or long-distance) can be a hectic time, so taking advantage of the time you have before your move is essential. Pack and label your items early, as this can take some time to sort through everything.
  • Transfer your utilities ahead of time. You don’t want to get to your new home and not have electricity, water, gas, or any other utilities. If you wait too long, you run the risk of forgetting.
  • Book your movers early. You’ll want to shop around for pricing and legitimacy. (Yes, there are bad movers out there doing dirty business.) Get three quotes and look into their reviews, request licensure, and any paperwork to check that they are a legitimate business. For more information on picking the perfect mover, check out this blog post!
  • Don’t take spring allergies lightly. Itchy noses and lots of sneezing? Check! While most spring-based allergies aren’t too harmful (primarily annoying), severe allergies and asthma are no joke. If you’re really struggling with allergies, be sure to see an allergist (a doctor specializing in allergies) to get tested and ask what type of antihistamine or allergy medicine to take.
  • Prepare for unpredictable weather. Spring can bring unexpected weather changes. Have an umbrella or rain jacket on hand, just in case.
  • Host a yard sale. Have a lot of stuff you want to get rid of before your move? Host a yard sale! You’ll find that many thrifters (people who shop thrift stores and yard sales for good deals) love a good yard sale. From furniture to china that you no longer want, you can get rid of a lot of items while making a few bucks.
  • Take breaks. Yes, moving can be exhausting, and a lot of organization that needs to happen to make a move successful. Don’t overdo yourself by taking small breaks on your moving day. Be careful not to injure yourself in any way, and don’t take on too many responsibilities!


There are a lot of great aspects to moving in the spring that don’t necessarily have to do with the weather (but we’ll list them anyway). Here are our top reasons you should consider moving in the springtime.

  • Longer days & more hours of sunlight.
    With more sunlight, you’ll have more time to complete your move before night arrives. More daylight means more time to take breaks and less need to rush.
  • Warmer weather.
    Winter moves can be rough for both professional movers and their clients. It’s no secret that relocation can be exhausting, but moving during nicer, warmer weather can make it easier for everyone.
  • More affordable moving prices.
    Summer moves can be more expensive, but you can save a little cash by moving in the spring. You’ll also find more availability amongst moving companies, meaning you don’t have to worry about scheduling conflicts.
  • It’s easier to sell a home during spring.
    Surprised? Many folks want to get settled into their new homes before summer, making spring an ideal time to sell for a fantastic price. Your home will likely sell quickly, and the crisp air and sunny skies will add to the appeal of your home.
  • More flexibility for the kids.
    Moving with a family (especially young children) is no easy feat, and some families report that moving while their kids are in school is easier. Without children to worry about, you can focus on making sure your things get moved quickly and safely.


Yes, everything has a flip side, including spring moves. Here are the biggest downsides:

  • Allergy Season.
    As mentioned before, this is prime time for allergies and pollen. While dust is inevitable inside your home, avoiding the sneeze-inducing pollen outside is impossible. Plan ahead for your move, and consult a doctor to find an antihistamine that works for you.
  • Rain.
    People prefer to avoid rain on their moving day, as it makes the process much harder and lasts for hours. Fortunately, our Rabbits are skilled and equipped to work in bad weather conditions, so we can still get you moved on schedule.
  • Higher Prices on Homes.
    The flip side to selling your home for a great price is that you also have to pay a great price for a new house. Demand for real estate is high during this time of year, and it tends to be the busiest time for realtors. Still, you’ll likely find that good home for a good deal, even if it’s not your dream home.

While some people don’t have a choice when it’s time to move, spring is a great time to relocate. And if you’re looking for a moving company you can trust, trust the Rabbits! We’re prepared and equipped to move you to your new home, no matter the conditions. Contact us today!